Our goal is to provide each lab member with a rigorous scientific training to expand the boundaries of brain research. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment tailored to the unique development of your career goals. To learn more about current positions available in the lab, as well as what it’s like to live and work in the area, you can find further information below.


We have two fully-funded positions available for graduate students through the UConn Department of Physiology & Neurobiology. Highly desired candidates will have experience in rodent behavior, stereotaxic surgery, programming and/or histology. Apply here.


We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher with a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Genetics, Physiology, Pharmacology, and/or Psychology. Candidates should have a strong publication record and excellent ability to collaborate.


We are hiring a full-time research technician with a bachelor's in neuroscience, biology, or related areas with a minimum of 6 months of experience in a research environment. See job ad HR-24-68 here.


Undergraduates interested in the lab who would like to gain research experience should contact Victoria Doocy via email (victoria.doocy@uconn.edu) with a copy of your CV/Resume and provide answers to the following:

1. What do you find interesting about the Sciolino Lab?

2. Would you be able to work at least 10-12 hours in the lab each week for credit?

3. Are you interested in working during the summer?

4. What are you planning to do after you graduate (get a job, go to graduate school or med school, etc.)?

Learn more about Living in Storrs, CT , located in Eastern CT.